Why Students Feel Mathematics is Challenging?

Mathematics: a subject that excites some and terrifies others. For many students, the idea of tackling math problems feels like climbing a steep and slippery mountain. Have you ever wondered why math seems so challenging? Whether you’re in class 8, just beginning to grapple with algebra, or in class 12, facing the complexities of calculus, the struggle with math can be real. Let’s explore some reasons why students find mathematics difficult and how to overcome these hurdles.

Why Students Feel Mathematics is Challenging?

1. Abstract Nature of Mathematics

Math often deals with abstract concepts that aren’t easily visualized. Unlike subjects such as history or biology, where you can see, touch, or relate to real-world phenomena, math requires you to understand ideas that exist in the mind. For example, numbers, functions, and geometric shapes often don’t have physical counterparts that you can interact with directly.

Visualization and Practical Examples: Try to visualize math problems using diagrams, graphs, or physical objects. Use real-life examples to understand abstract concepts. For instance, learning geometry through architectural designs or understanding fractions through cooking recipes can make abstract ideas more tangible.

2. Lack of Conceptual Understanding

Many students struggle with math because they focus on memorizing formulas and procedures without understanding the underlying concepts. This lack of deep understanding makes it difficult to apply knowledge to new problems or different contexts.

Focus on Understanding: Aim to understand the ‘why’ behind mathematical rules and formulas. When learning a new concept, ask questions like, “Why does this formula work?” and “How is this concept related to what I already know?” Discuss with teachers, watch educational videos, and use interactive tools that explain the reasoning behind the math.

3. Anxiety and Fear

Math anxiety is real. The pressure to perform well, fear of making mistakes, and the belief that you’re not a “math person” can create a mental block. This anxiety can interfere with your ability to think clearly and solve problems.

Build Confidence: Practice regularly to build confidence. Start with simpler problems and gradually tackle more complex ones. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small. Mindfulness techniques, like deep breathing or positive visualization before a test, can also help reduce anxiety.

4. Cumulative Nature of Math

Math is a cumulative subject, meaning that new topics build on previously learned material. If you have gaps in your foundational knowledge, learning new concepts can become increasingly difficult.

Review and Reinforce Basics: Make sure you understand fundamental concepts before moving on to more advanced topics. Regularly review past material and seek help if you find certain areas confusing. Online resources, tutoring, and study groups can be very helpful for reinforcing your understanding.

5. Different Learning Styles

Everyone learns differently. Some students grasp mathematical concepts quickly through traditional teaching methods, while others may need more visual, hands-on, or interactive approaches. If the teaching style doesn’t match your learning style, you might find math particularly difficult.

Discover Your Learning Style: Identify the learning style that works best for you. If you’re a visual learner, use charts and videos. If you’re a kinesthetic learner, try using physical objects or drawing diagrams to solve problems. Don’t hesitate to ask your teacher for different explanations or use additional resources that cater to your learning preferences.

6. Language of Mathematics

Math has its own language, full of symbols and terminology that can be confusing. Misinterpreting these can lead to errors and misunderstandings, making math problems seem harder than they are.

Learn the Language: Treat learning math terminology as you would learning a new language. Create flashcards for formulas and symbols, and practice explaining concepts in your own words. As you become more familiar with the language of math, you’ll find it easier to understand and solve problems.

7. Problem-Solving Skills

Math isn’t just about following steps to get an answer. It involves problem-solving, critical thinking, and applying concepts in new ways. Developing these skills can be challenging and may require a shift in how you approach learning math.

Practice Problem-Solving: Engage in activities that promote problem-solving skills. Puzzles, logic games, and open-ended problems can help. Practice thinking through problems systematically and don’t be afraid to make mistakes—they’re part of the learning process.

8. Time Management and Practice

Math requires consistent practice and time management. Procrastination or lack of regular practice can make it difficult to keep up with the material, leading to stress and poor performance.

Create a Study Routine: Develop a study routine that includes regular practice. Break down study sessions into manageable chunks, and focus on different types of problems. Use practice exams to gauge your understanding and identify areas for improvement.

9. Peer and Social Pressure

Comparing your progress with classmates can lead to feelings of inadequacy and discourage you from asking for help when needed. Social pressure can make you feel like you should understand everything immediately, which is rarely the case.

Focus on Your Journey: Remember that everyone learns at their own pace. Avoid comparing yourself to others and focus on your progress. Collaborate with peers, but don’t let competition undermine your confidence. Ask for help when you need it and support others who are struggling.

10. Educational Environment

The way math is taught can greatly affect how students perceive the subject. A lack of engagement or a negative classroom environment can make math feel dull and intimidating.

Seek Engaging Resources: If your classroom experience isn’t engaging, seek out additional resources. Online platforms, math games, and interactive tutorials can make learning math more enjoyable. Participate actively in class and discuss with your teacher ways to make the learning process more interesting.


While math may seem challenging for many students, understanding the reasons behind these difficulties can help you tackle them effectively. Remember, overcoming challenges in mathematics is not just about solving problems but also about developing a deeper understanding, building confidence, and finding the right tools and strategies that work for you. With persistence and the right approach, you can transform math from a daunting subject into an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Keep practicing, stay curious, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Happy learning!