Ramkali saved ₹ 5 in the first week of a year and then increased her weekly savings by ₹ 1.75. If in the nth week, her weekly savings become ₹ 20.75, find n.



Ramkali saved Rs.5 in the first week and then started saving each week by Rs.1.75.


First term, a = 5

and common difference, d = 1.75

Also given,

an = 20.75

Find, n = ?

As we know, by the nth-term formula,

an = a + (n − 1) d


20.75 = 5 + (n – 1) × 1.75

15.75 = (n – 1) × 1.75

(n – 1) = 15.75/1.75 = 1575/175

= 63/7 = 9

n – 1 = 9

n = 10

Therefore, n is 10.